Information for people at risk of, or living with hepatitis C
- Hepatitis C Course: Enhancing Prevention, Testing and Care
PHE London has commissioned the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) to develop an online hepatitis C training course aimed at staff working in drug services and those who work with drug users to improve knowledge and awareness of the virus. The course is available free of charge on the RCGP e-learning portalThe course takes approximately two hours to complete, and participants can download a CDP certificate on completion. PHE London encourages commissioners and providers to consider how the course can be utilised via contracting arrangements, appraisals and inductions for new members of staff, as well as encouraging people from wider support services to access the course. - Hep C Info: understanding hepatitis C and staying safe [PDF]
- Hep C Care: living with hepatitis C and treatment options [PDF]
- Hep C: You Need To Know [PDF]
A booklet for people who have – or think they may have – hepatitis C, developed by AddAction and The Hepatitis C Trust. -
A website designed to help every person to understand about hepatitis C, and to provide general information and support for those affected by the virus. The site was developed by Janssen with the help of the hep C community. - A Guide to Understanding Hepatitis C – 2015 [PDF]
Produced by the Hepatitis C Support Group Project, USA - Blood Borne Viruses: How do people get hepatitis C, Hepatitis B or HIV? [PDF]
Patient information card, produced by NHS Lothian - Hepatitis C: the basics [PDF]
A printable leaflet for people affected by hepatitis C, produced by NHS Lothian -
An online resource for healthcare professionals and advocates working in the hepatitis field across Europe. Its aim is to increase awareness of viral hepatitis, its treatment, and the needs of people living with viral hepatitis in Europe. - The Uncomfortable Truth. Hepatitis C Trust. October 2013 [PDF]
- Hepatitis C in New York City – State of the Epidemic and Action Plan. NYC Dept of Health and Mental Hygiene. September 2013 [PDF]
- WHO Regional Office for Europe. Barriers and facilitators to hepatitis C treatment for people who inject drugs: a qualitative study. [PDF]
- British Liver Trust. Reducing Alcohol Harm: Recovery and informed choice for those with alcohol related health problems [PDF]
- Health Protection Agency. Annual Report of Hepatitis B and C Surveillance in Yorkshire and the Humber (2012) [PDF]
- Health Protection Agency. Eye of the Needle: United Kingdom surveillance of significant occupational exposures to bloodborne viruses in healthcare workers (2012) [PDF]
- Dimova RB, et al. Determinants of Hepatitis C Virus Treatment Completion and Efficacy in Drug Users Assessed by Meta-analysis. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2012 [PDF]
- Health Protection Agency. Hepatitis C in London: Annual Health Protection Agency Review (2009 data) (2011) [Download PDF]
- Health Protection Agency. Hepatitis C among people who inject drugs: Local area estimates of prevalence to guide those who commission services in England (2012) [Download PDF]
- Hutchinson SJ, et al. Modeling the Current and Future Disease Burden of Hepatitis C Among Injection Drug Users in Scotland. Hepatology 2005 42:3 711-23 [Download PDF]
- Mayor of London. The London Health Inequalities Strategy (2010) [Download PDF]
- The Marmot Review. Fair Society, Healthy Lives: Strategic Review of Health Inequalities in England post-2010 (Executive Summary) [Download PDF]
- Martin NK, et al. Can antiviral therapy for hepatitis C reduce the prevalence of HCV among injecting drug user populations? A modelling analysis of its prevention utility. Journal of Hepatology 2011 54: 1137-44 [Download PDF]
- Martin NK. The Utility of Antiviral Treatment for Primary Prevention of Hepatitis C: A Modelling analysis. Presentation at the London Joint Working Group on Substance Misuse and Hepatitis C conference (2010) [Download PDF]
- Patruni, B & Nolte E. Hepatitis C: A projection of the healthcare and economic burden in the UK (RAND Europe 2013) [Download PDF]
- Valori R & Johnston D. Liver QuEST for excellence: Service Definition and Organisation Domain. (NHS Liver Care) 2013 [Download PDF]
- Bowden-Jones O. PREVENT Presentation at the London Joint Working Group on Substance Misuse and Hepatitis C conference (2010) [Download PDF]
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