London Joint Working Group launches peer-based Hackney Harm Reduction Hub
March 26, 2024
The London Joint Working Group on Substance Use and Hepatitis C (LJWG) is proud to have launched a new peer-based Hackney Harm Reduction Hub, working with our partners from Hackney Council and The Hepatitis C Trust and with people with living or lived experience of substance use.
The Launch of the Hackney Harm Reduction Hub
The Hackney Harm Reduction Hub began operations on Thursday, March 21st. It aims to create a safe, welcoming space where people can access harm reduction and safe injecting equipment. The Hub links individuals to other helpful services and offers support from those who understand their experiences.
Currently, the service operates from Hackney Council’s Community Wellbeing trailer outside Ridley Villas in Ridley Road Market, Dalston (47A Ridley Road, E8 2NP). It runs on Thursdays from 2 pm to 8 pm. Plans are underway to expand to other sites. If you or someone you know needs support, please visit us.
The Hub’s goal is to reduce drug-related deaths and hepatitis C infections. It also works to minimize other harms related to injecting drug use. The Hub is building partnerships with other organizations in the borough that assist marginalized communities.
We involve peers with lived experience at every stage. The Peer Strategy Group helps manage the service to keep it aligned with community needs.
In 2022, our scoping report highlighted gaps in harm reduction services and outlined principles for a new approach. In March 2023, the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) featured this work in their ‘Shooting Up’ report on injection drug harms. Today, LJWG policy lead Dee Cunniffe discussed the Hub at Homeless Link’s 2024 Rough Sleeping conference during a session on holistic approaches to substance use and harm reduction.
For more information,contact us