New: agenda & speakers for our annual conference – June 16th
May 4, 2022
We are excited to announce the agenda and speakers for our latest London Joint Working Group annual conference on June 16th 2022, bringing together professionals and patient advocates working in hepatitis C care in London.
As we work together to make London the first global city to eliminate hepatitis C, this conference is a key opportunity to hear from experts and network with colleagues from across all relevant sectors. The event will be primarily in-person at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1 Birdcage Walk, London, SW1H 9JJ and we encourage as many people as possible to join us (COVID considerations permitting), but we will also live-stream parts of the conference to allow guests to engage remotely.
Speakers include:
- Dr Tom Coffey OBE – Senior Advisor to the Mayor of London on Health Policy
- Rachel Halford – Chief Executive, The Hepatitis C Trust
- Dr Monica Desai – Consultant Epidemiologist and Head of Hepatitis C and Blood Borne Viruses/Infections, UK Health Security Agency
- Professor Graham Foster – Professor of Hepatology at Queen Mary/Barts Health & NHS England Clinical Lead for the Hepatitis C Virus
- Professor Geoffrey Dusheiko – Consultant Hepatologist, King’s College Hospital
This event is free to attend for all healthcare workers, charity employees, peer support staff and patient advocates. Representatives from private companies will be charged £150 per delegate and will be invoiced after registration. We encourage all guests to register, but numbers may be restricted by COVID-related restrictions, or we may make the whole event virtual if necessary. While we wish we could accommodate everyone, this event is usually over-subscribed and we may need to limit the number of people from the same organisation to ensure that all relevant organisations are represented.
We are looking forward to bringing everyone together, as this may be the first time in a long time that people have been together. We have allowed plenty of time for coffee, networking and poster-viewing – we can’t wait to see you!
More information
The conference is intended for professionals working in and around hepatitis C care, especially in London. In particular it is relevant for hepatologists/gastroenterologists; public health directors; managers of drug and alcohol treatment, homelessness, and sexual health services; ODN MDT members; specialist nurses; addiction psychiatrists; local authority councillors & Health and Wellbeing Board members; Clinical Commissioning Group members & specialist commissioning leads; service user organisation representatives; CCG members; ICS teams, community pharmacy and needle exchange leads; prison healthcare staff; general practice leads; statutory and third sector managers; and representatives from NHS England, the Department of Health and Social Care, the Health Security Agency and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities.
If you have any access requirements please let us know by responding on the relevant section of the sign-up form or by email, and we will do everything we can to support your attendance and comfort at the conference. If you have any other questions, please email info@ljwg.org.uk.
This event is funded by grants from AbbVie, Gilead and MSD. The companies have no editorial control over the agenda or speakers.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Poster and stands
If you are interested in exhibiting a poster or in the cost of a stand, please email info@ljwg.org.uk by Monday May 16th. For posters we will need a 250-word abstract containing the name of the project/research study, authors, aims, and key findings. Posters will be displayed on a board 100cm x 160cm, which the authors must bring on the day of the conference for display.
Please contact us if you would like a stand at the conference and we will send you fee details.