LJWG Events

The LJWG holds an annual conference event for professionals working in hepatitis C in London. Read below for more information on our upcoming 2023 conference.

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We would like to say thank you to all of the speakers, guests and partner organisations who contributed to our most recent annual conference event on Friday June 9th 2023 at the NCVO Conference Centre. It was vital to hear so many perspectives from those working in hepatitis C care, with lived experience, or both. You can watch videos of all four sessions of the conference on our YouTube channel or view the slides from the presentations here.

Keynote speakers included leaders from the hepatitis C field past and present, including both current and former CEOs of The Hepatitis C Trust, Rachel Halford and Charles Gore, and Professor David Nutt, the first chair of the LJWG. See our full agenda here.

Who was the conference for?

This event was free to attend for all healthcare workers, charity employees, peer support staff and patient advocates. The conference was intended for professionals working in and around hepatitis C care, especially in London. In particular our events tend to be relevant for:

  • Hepatologists/gastroenterologists
  • Public health directors
  • Managers of drug and alcohol treatment, homelessness, and sexual health services
  • ODN MDT members
  • Specialist nurses
  • Addiction psychiatrists
  • Local authority councillors, Health and Wellbeing Board members and GLA representatives
  • Service user organisation representatives
  • ICS/ICB members and commissioning leads
  • Community pharmacy and needle exchange leads
  • Prison healthcare staff
  • General practice leads
  • Statutory and third sector managers
  • Representatives from national bodies (e.g. NHS England, the Department of Health and Social Care, the UK Health Security Agency, and the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities)

Other information

If you have any questions, please email info@ljwg.org.uk.

This event was funded by grants from AbbVie and Gilead. The companies provided hands-off partial funding for this project. They have had no influence in the conference or the development of any associated materials.


The London Joint Working Group on Substance Use and Hepatitis C held our most recent annual conference on June 16th 2022, bringing together professionals working in hepatitis C care in London. The first LJWG conference held in-person since the COVID-19 pandemic and it was vital to hear so many perspectives from those working in hepatitis C care, with lived experience, or both. You can watch the talks and panels on our YouTube channel.

The conference heard from experts about the barriers and solutions to London becoming the first global city to eliminate hepatitis C. We were joined by almost 100 guests at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in London, with more joining us by livestream link.

We also saw videos featuring people who use drugs in London talking about harm reduction and hepatitis C. Hear what they have to say their experience of needle exchanges and stigmahow harm reduction could work better; and the opportunities a peer-based harm reduction service could provide.


You can find reports from previous conferences by clicking one of the date buttons below:

2021 reports 2020 reports 2018 reports 2017 reports 2016 reports 2015 reports 2014 reports

2013 reports